Tres décadas y medio de cambio de cobertura y uso de suelo en un área protegida del sur de Bolivia
Three and a half decades of cover and land cuse change in a protected area in southern Bolivia
The loss of land cover and use in the Serranía del Iñao National Park and Integrated Management Natural Area was assessed over a 19-year period through multitemporal analysis. Eight satellite images were used, six from the Landsat 5 satellite and TM sensor from 1998, 2004, 2010 and one Landsat 8 OLI sensor from 2016. The images were corrected and an unsupervised classification was applied, distinguishing the classes Dense Forest (BOD), Disturbed Forest (BPR), Sparse Forest (BPD), Agriculture (AGR), Sparse Scrub (MAR), Dense Scrub (MAD). Four communities (Azero Norte, Iripity, Las Casas, Pedernal) were surveyed to identify the main activities and analyze the guidelines that may cause changes in the coverage of the Serranía del Iñao Protected Area. They were reclassified into two subclasses, natural and anthropic; and a fragment analysis was run to obtain metrics at the landscape and class level. For the modeling of the scenarios, the MOLUSCE plugin of QGIS was used to project a positive and a negative scenario. The results show a transitional change of six spectral classes, in which Disturbed forest (BPR), Agriculture (AGR), Sparse scrub (MAR), Sparse forest (BPD) had a growth equal to or less than 5%, and Dense scrub (MAD) and Dense forest (BOD) were reduced in area between 4% and 5% respectively. The period 1989-2016 shows a negative deforestation rate (-0.55%). The main factors that modify the landscape are Agriculture, Slope, Population and Roads, with the last two having the greatest influence (ROADS and POBL). The analysis of the landscape of the Serranía del Iñao Protected Area shows a growth trend in the metrics used for this research until 2010, decreasing by 2016 and in the modeling of scenarios there is a negative projection in which no severe changes are shown and another positive scenario (with the main factors of change in the Serranía del Iñao AP) in which a 22% change in the surface of the total protected area is observed.
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