About the Journal

Bio Scientia is a biannual publication that makes available to the academic world two annual issues (January-June and July-December) as a contribution to the development of science from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Chemical Sciences of the Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca, Bio Scientia publishes original contributions related to the practice of Bichemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biology and related branches in any of its fields of performance and its contributions to the improvement of the health and living conditions of the populations and to institutional development and health systems.

Disseminate arbitrated scientific articles related to public health, practice of Bichemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biology in any of its fields of performance and its contributions to the improvement of the health and living conditions of the populations and to the institutional development and the health systems, under standards of theoretical methodological soundness, relevance, quality and relevance.


Editorial management is supported exclusively in the Open Journal System, the contact between authors and the editor is made through it and there is no type of contact between authors and reviewers.


Bio Scientia guarantees the objective, technical and professional evaluation of the contributions of the authors under the double blind peer evaluation system.


Bio Scientia is a fully open access magazine, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately after publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is allowed, provided that the author and the magazine are duly accredited. Among the benefits of Open Access for authors, Bio Scientia includes: Free access for all users globally. The authors own the copyright of their works. Greater visibility and number of readers. Quick post No space restrictions.


Bio Scientia does not require or admit any type of charge or economic cost at any stage of the editorial process, be it article submission, processing or review or publication.

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