• Luis Daniel Edrey Bazán Calderón
  • Diana Rosmery Medina Galvez
  • Jessica Karina Saavedra Vasconez


Multiple studies indicate that one of the main causes of the fiscal deficit is tax evasion, which results in a reduction of resources that the state is unable to use for the country’s development. The objective of this research was to identify the emerging causes of tax evasion among entrepreneurs in Ucaya- li and Ayacucho. The methodology employed was qualitative, phenomenological in nature, and based on a non-probabilistic procedure. The population consisted of micro and small formal entrepreneurs from the departments of Ucayali and Ayacucho; a sample of 22 taxpayers meeting the inclusion criteria was selected using the saturation method. A semi-structured interview was used as the instrument, consisting of 13 questions validated by three taxation specialists. The responses were reviewed and classified, linking them to codes relevant to the study’s objective and seeking explanations through the qualitative analysis program Atlas.Ti. The study concluded that a new cause of tax evasion is the state's inaction in addres- sing the real reasons that motivate taxpayers to evade taxes.

Cómo citar
EDREY BAZÁN CALDERÓN, Luis Daniel; MEDINA GALVEZ, Diana Rosmery; SAAVEDRA VASCONEZ, Jessica Karina. EVASIÓN TRIBUTARIA: CAUSAS EMERGENTES EN EL PERÚ. Investigación & Negocios, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 30, p. 74 - 86, dec. 2024. ISSN 2521-2737. Disponible en: <https://revistas.usfx.bo/investigacionynegocios/index.php/revista/article/view/294>. Fecha de acceso: 23 feb. 2025 doi: https://doi.org/10.38147/invneg.v17i30.294.

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